Roblox Moon Animator plugin camera bug

I have recently started animating in my free time. I am trying to get good at it and already posted 1 short animation into my youtube channel. But today I was animating a scene for youtube when I just realized the camera is not working like I want it too. It just stay at the place were I kept it viewed and doesn’t even show shots. I then set up another set up and it still has the bug.

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    To make the moon animator use the camera which I animated to show certain shots like the place we are at and the protagonist.

  2. What is the issue?
    The moon animator does not use the animated camera. I have made it show certain shots but it does not do so. I have a video below to show my situation. At first I will present the bug and then show you the shots it was supposed to show.
    Moon Animator Camera Bug - YouTube

  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    Well I tried to use ‘G’ instead of ‘+’, didn’t work. Tried updating moon animator since it was outdated, still didn’t work. I searched through the internet but nothing solving my problem.

Now on watching that video, if you look closely to the top right corner, you will see that roblox’s viewport shows that the camera is moving while I don’t see it moving.

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When working with moon don’t forget that you have to toggle your camera tracks for the animator to render them out. Hope this helps.

I did do that but it didn’t work. Tho thanks for letting me know.

Hi, I just have an annoying bug and I’m afraid it’s in my game. I tried to animate a cutscene in my game’s lobby in Moon Animator, but once I succeeded and removed the Moon Animator menu, the mouse wheel doesn’t work. to move the camera back and forth, it doesn’t move like it should normally :c