As trivial as badges may seem, they give people goals. I remember when I was a kid I spent a week earning enough KO’s for the Bloxxer badge. When I got my first 1000 visits I was ecstatic. Now I couldn’t care less, but when I was younger it honestly meant so much to me. Considering the target audience, doesn’t this seem like an appropriate and engaging course of action?
It’d be nice if they were to condense all similar type badges into one and showcase the highest tier badge on your profile.
For example, the Combat badges would be condensed into one badge. If you had a Combat Initiation and Warrior badge, since Warrior is the higher tier badge, it would show on your profile. This allows the ROBLOX team to add as many badges as they wished without each user’s page being clogged with badges.
They don’t scale well. The bigger the playerbase is, the easier the badges are to get. When I joined, having Brick-smith meant something. Now it’s very easy to get.
It’d be nice if they were to condense all similar type badges into one and showcase the highest tier badge on your profile.
For example, the Combat badges would be condensed into one badge. If you had a Combat Initiation and Warrior badge, since Warrior is the higher tier badge, it would show on your profile. This allows the ROBLOX team to add as many badges as they wished without each user’s page being clogged with badges.[/quote]
I disagree, I’ve always loved hoarding badges. There does need to be a way to organize them, though, or a set pattern for them. It’s always weird when somebody’s badges go “Friendship → Veteran → Combat Initiation → Warrior → Homestead → Bricksmith → Bloxxer” etc
Isn’t it organized by when they were obtained? I always thought it was nifty looking at the order of the badges. It kinda reveals the priorities of the person.
Not all badges are combat centric
What kind of badges do you want to see? Only visit count badges?
Not all badges are combat centric[/quote]
Obviously - though it’s related to the topic of this thread, and may affect the ideas of e.g. tiers (though then there’s still the possibility to give visit-count-based badges tiers).
This is quite an interesting one. What I can think of to bring more action onto the field, is to obtain event prizes - BLOXikins, sponsored items, etc.
Though we need to beware of turning it into a mess-filled page of top-tiers based on purchases, creation-counts and stuff like that. What I’d like to see is something challenging - and not just numbers (how old is your account? how much have you bought for? how many [x] have you uploaded? etc)
Like user-created badges, the award lies in being able to prove that you’ve accomplished something. Challenged yourself and overcome hard obstacles.
Sadly, it’s not easy to solidify with ROBLOX, as ROBLOX is about user-created content, and not like e.g. MMORPGs.
That’s incredibly unimaginative. Content creation badges: If you get X amount of people to purchase your shirts, T-Shirts, Pants, Models, Decals. Group badges: X amount of people in groups you own, Own a group. Advertising / marketing: Create and run an ad, Create and run an ad which has a high CTR.
There are seriously endless possibilities which can not only incentivize economic growth but create a more active and engaged community.
I’d rather have more gameplay-oriented badges than all content-creation ones…
A badge for having X amount of user created badges is a good start.
[quote] I’d rather have more gameplay-oriented badges than all content-creation ones…
A badge for having X amount of user created badges is a good start. [/quote]
I was just throwing stuff out there There are endless possibilities which don’t have to fall under content creation
"A badge for having X amount of user created badges is a good start. "
And you thought badge farms when the feature was first released were bad
ROBLOX should not give out any official badges related to gameplay – not all games are equal and stats in one game hold a different weight in other games. Are you forgetting that’s one of the main reasons KOs/WOs were removed? That should be left up to user badges, but we need a way for users to be able to feature their favorite badges on their profile. Right now if you get a cool badge it’s quickly flooded out by spam “Thank you for visiting!” “You got 1 point!” etc badges.
My suggestions on there were more orientated towards player made badges and player points
The 3 I had were
[center]bronze entrepreneur
Accumulate 25,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)
silver entrepreneur
Accumulate 50,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)
gold entrepreneur
Accumulate 100,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)[/center]
Based off this either way, I’d love to see more badges or even have the option to pin 3 badges from our awarded badges (e.g. get 20 kills in Murder) I could show this off on my profile.
[quote] The 3 I had were
[center]bronze entrepreneur
Accumulate 25,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)
silver entrepreneur
Accumulate 50,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)
gold entrepreneur
Accumulate 100,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)[/center]
Based off this either way, I’d love to see more badges or even have the option to pin 3 badges from our awarded badges (e.g. get 20 kills in Murder) I could show this off on my profile. [/quote]
I sort of feel like the money we make should be private to the payee unless they want to share how much. That info can be used against others in some way or another and is not something I would like being displayed publicly on my profile.
[quote] The 3 I had were
[center]bronze entrepreneur
Accumulate 25,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)
silver entrepreneur
Accumulate 50,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)
gold entrepreneur
Accumulate 100,000R$ revenue via a place (selling game passes, dev products etc)[/center]
Based off this either way, I’d love to see more badges or even have the option to pin 3 badges from our awarded badges (e.g. get 20 kills in Murder) I could show this off on my profile. [/quote]
I sort of feel like the money we make should be private to the payee unless they want to share how much. That info can be used against others in some way or another and is not something I would like being displayed publicly on my profile.[/quote]
I knew this would be a concern so once you’ve been awarded it, you have to manually select if you want it showed on your profile via account settings or something.
To me it wouldn’t bother, not all devs make enough to DevEx in the first place/afford OBC so I wouldn’t be making any money. Besides, players will take educated guesses on how much you made from place visits and game pass sales. If they really wanted to. They could find out how much you’re making from a place, if not exactly extremely close.
This would work like a checklist, e.g.
5000 place visits ✓
Average thumbs up/thumbs down ✓
50 players at one time ✘
(I just need to complete that last one)
bronze game
X amount of place visits, average thumbs up/thumbs down ratio, X amount of players at one time.
silver game
bigger X amount of place visits, good thumbs up/thumbs down ratio, bigger X amount of players at one time.
gold game
very big X amount of place visits, very good thumbs up/thumbs down ratio, very big X amount of players at one time.
How this would work?
Ideally, showing a badge on the places page showing an empty badge icon or bronze, silver, gold. (sort of like place-awarded-badges?)