Roblox needs to add a feature like this!

So my problem is that I got flagged to a previous post that i made (aka my first post) about a day ago. Now my problem is that if your are new to the DevForum you don’t really know the rules, you either know some or every rule or none.
Issues about that:
You don’t know if you posted in the right category.
If you posted in a wrong category you get flagged.
If you get flagged the moderation team will just tell you to move the topic.
The reasons above gave me the idea to make this post. Now the feature is:
If you are new to the DevForum you should have a “Beginner” badge next to your name so if you post in the wrong topic you’ll just be told by the moderation team>they will move THEMSELVES the topic and tell why it should be there Or if they don’t want to do it themselves explain how to move and why to move the topic.
Thank you for reading.


I think you are overthinking a bit. Everyone should have read the official forum rules. You will literally be sent a message from @discobot to read them.


i don’t say that someone shouldn’t read them I just wanted to point it out.

Apart from my overthinking as you said. Should this be a considered feature or not?

A good rule of thumb is to think before you post. New users don’t need to be treated differently when the rules are not particularly difficult to follow in the first place. In most cases staff already explain their reasoning for taking down posts. I don’t think more spoon-feeding is necessary for an age 13+ forum, nor do I imagine staff have the time to provide it.


Everyone is supposed to read the rules, you even get a message about that when joining (and I believe again when becoming a member? I could be wrong there though)

Categories often have pinned posts describing what they’re meant for, meaning as long as you think before posting you should be fine.

I feel like this is kind of pointless, as beginners are always very visible without needing a badge.

This would happen regardless if someone is new or not. This doesn’t really change much.

Ok I agree but with the last thing I disagree. My previous post got flagged and the moderator just told me to move it she didn’t do it herself

That doesn’t sound right. I know I like to say how mods don’t do their jobs a lot, but the fact that one would literally go out of their way to admit to it is genuinely surprising. Do you have a screenshot of that?

The fact you specified “she” kind of already gives me an idea of which mod it might be lol

Yea wait let me take a screenshot

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I did it by phone now. But I normally use the PC

Ah nevermind I thought you were saying that they told you to do something and didn’t take any action of their own.

Removing posts is the default action they take, it’s relatively rare that they move posts to the correct categories instead of removing them outright.

Ok. Well it is fine I am not angry but I thought because I am new they would do something but whatever. Thank you for your time.

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Just want to let you know that the mod team has been informed to delete off-topic posts rather than move them iirc

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