Roblox needs to take away tags for searching users

Unfortunately, some don’t know how to. :man_shrugging:

Thats on them, roblox should have a system where if your 13+ and you start acting out of line you lose a level like this: 3 levels of the filter system 3 being the highest where your are responsible when chatting and not engaging in arguments and what not 2 being that you are limited to certain swears but get into some arguments and then 1 being you cant control your self so no swears for you although you can still say stuff that would normally get tagged for a safe chat person

Roblox has moderation problems as-is and they’ve appeared repeatedly on the news when parents caught their kids (or others) cursing or behaving in otherwise inappropriate ways. It was a terrible PR problem, and it’s still an issue from time to time. The desire to let 13-year-olds swear isn’t going to do anything good for Roblox. It’s going to lead to more negative PR for almost no gain. 13-year-olds aren’t choosing their video games based on whether they can swear.

Further, models, places, and user profiles have been filter dodging since Prometheus gave the gift of TCP/IP to mortals. I don’t have any confirmation or anything, but it’s not unrealistic to assume that the search filters, which were put in place at the height of the PR problems, are intended to prevent kids (and parents) from seeking out undesirable content just for the sake of seeing it on the platform.

I want to keep this on topic so im just gonna say one last thing my post was IF they were to add it im not saying to immediately add it im not going into details but that was just an idea for IF they added it

tbh i agree 102%, why does roblox even need this tagging

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Exactly my point nobody is gonna get harmed since the person searching it is the only person who is gonna see it

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I assume its because of the search backend being shared for things like models and decals where it does make sense, but this has the side effect of affecting player searching too

But those would be banned already?

Yes, but like all moderation systems things can slip trough the cracks, so i presume they tag it so you can’t find it

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I think this is something they already have planned as shown on the roadmap.

So yeah, we’ll be getting an improved search bar sometime in Mid-2023.


But wouldn’t that kinda give for more moderation since they would be merging them I don’t really get what they mean are they merging the search abilities together or are they giving all of them the same type of searching ability of normal browsing?

(sorry if this is phrased weirdly)