Roblox Needs to Translate More of It's Pages (Thread)

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to use the Roblox website in another language without constantly seeing pages in English.

Roblox has many languages to choose from when you’re browsing the Roblox website. However, many pages have not been translated and still display in English.

Even supported languages without asterisks. Meaning languages like French, German, Spanish, and Chinese.

Setting my language to Traditional Chinese, we can see all the pages that still need translation.

The transactions pages:

The develop pages:

The trade pages:

If Roblox truly wants to be a global platform, they need to start translating some of your pages. Roblox has been really good at translating most of it’s pages, but it’s clear it still needs work.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my development experience because I would be able to use Roblox in a different language without seeing pages completely in English.


I’m slightly shocked by the Trades page. The rest of them are very clearly in need of an update anyway to match the rest of the site, which includes making them dark theme compatible, allowing for localisation by having dynamic content that I’m pretty sure uses Lua on the back-end.

When it came to a prioritisation, these (mostly developer) pages clearly got stuck at the bottom of the pile.

I think when they convert them properly they will be able to stick localisation on them like all the other pages.


Related: The “Report” button should also be translated. (It’s in the bottom right hand corner.)


The genre sort in the catalog should also be translated. It’s translated when looking at the catalog, but surprisingly not when viewing an individual item.

The genre sort in the catalog:


The genres on an individual item:

Worse, the “recommended” row below the item you’re viewing doesn’t have the item’s names translated:


I’ve found another page that needs translating: the Private Server configuration page. This is a page then definitely isn’t only used by developers, and is probably used by the everyday casual player. Not having it translated presents a big problem, as you don’t have the foggiest idea what every button does.


Not a page by itself, but:


The dates and days of the week work and look different in different languages. Not all languages call Saturday, Saturday.

Roblox’s badge page is untranslated.