Roblox not opening or loading games

When i click the play button on a game on it does not play the game.
Sometimes it doesn’t open Roblox at all. And when it does its just a white screen then it closes itself.

2 days ago Roblox was working perfectly fine. Now its not?

I thought it was fixed since yesterday it let me join multiple games with no problem after a whole day of it not opening. But when i woke up today and tried to join a game its doing it again.
And my account isn’t banned or warned or anything i don’t know why its doing this.

Is this happening to anybody else…

edit: Im pretty sure its the BYFRON anti cheat update that is causing this. 1 day later still not fixed! Roblox please fix!


are you sure there’s nothing wrong with your internet or browser?

Could be… But iv reset my router multiple times and it doesn’t help… And no matter which browser i use it does the same thing… But it still could be my internet or something else… Although everything else on my computer including Roblox studio works perfectly fine. But if its happening to anybody else then its not just me!

strange. does work on any other computer? or maybe your phone connected to your wifi?

I just tried it on my phone connected to my wifi and it works fine… So i dont THINK its my wifi.

restart computer…? maybeeee just maybe

I tried that yesterday and it didint seem to help… As far as i remember this started happening right after roblox updated… So it might be the update they pushed, breaking something for some people? But i could be totally wrong the update could of been fine.

what device are you on? like your specs and everything? operating system?

I am on a fairly new laptop.
This is its specs i copied from the settings.

Device name
Processor Intel(R) Core™ i7-4800MQ CPU @ 2.70GHz 2.70 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor

I also have an AMD Radeon HD 8790M and a Intel(R) HD graphics 4600 for the graphics.

Other games work fine and Roblox used to run at 60 fps at more than half graphics level and sometimes full depending on what game.

Same. This is happening on all of my devices except my phone… I’m assuming this is byfron since I’m using the same account, and it most likely isn’t on mobile due to exploiting on mobile being little to none… However I haven’t tried using different accounts (yet).

I’m going to try moving channels (if i am on the byfron channel) and see if that helps anything…

My specs:
Computer 1: ( i5-1135G7, 8gb RAM, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor )
Computer 2: ( i7-12700k, 64gb RAM, 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor )
Phone: iPhone 13 Pro

Edit: if it is of importance, on computer 1 i’m on windows 11 pro beta channel, and on computer 2 im on windows 11 home beta channel


omg somebody else lol! That was one of my theorys… that it was byfron. If you figure something out please tell! If it really is byfron i hope Roblox fixes it quick.

Yep, it’s 99% byfron. I just switched to an alt created a few days ago and roblox works perfectly fine. Try to create an alt account and see if that helps you… (it may take a few tries to get a non-byfron account)

If returns with anything except {"channelName":"LIVE"}, you have byfron.


same I just tried my alt account and roblox works.
the account that wont let me has {“channelName”:“zwinplayer64”}.
Its definitely byfron.

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a great start by Byfron!1!!!1!!!11


Hello Blogger,

Thank you for your feedback. Based on the symptoms you described, it does not seem likely that they are related to Hyperion. Hyperion issues typically manifest themselves as a forced crash, which does not seem to be the case for you. However, please note that the 64-bit client is very new, and despite rigorous quality assurance, it is only possible to cover a subset of hardware configurations out there in the wild. As with every new product, bugs are not uncommon.

If you haven’t already, please file a bug report. The respective teams related to the issue at hand will be able to help you further.

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This is happening with me too from the last 2 4 days
and I also tried my old alt account and it works fine
But my main shows white screen

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I just used bloxstrap to change to the LIVE channel, if it’s not byfron messing the game up it’s still something that’s in beta and isn’t working properly.

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Well, my main account game is working in microsoft store roblox
but not from the roblox player and alt is working on roblox player

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Thank you i will be filing a bug report!

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Did you find a way to fix it? I have the same problem.