Roblox operating system

I’ve never made a post on here before, but I wanted to show my current project.

I’m currently working on an operating system simulator that can run programs made my the user.
It looks like a mix of multiple operating systems but mostly windows because im terrible at making ui look good.

current features:

  • “compiled” programs using a lua VM
  • a file explorer
  • a terminal window
  • a graphics library (see GuccGL.exe)
  • a text editor
  • a task manager

if youre gonna try it out please note there is no saving atm and there are many features not implemented yet.
please read ReadMe.txt in the root folder for a guide on how to create programs



Be careful with a game where the user can run their own code.
If you’re making a game where other players can see output from that code you could be allowing players to create material that wouldn’t be moderated and could cause you to be moderated for content.
This wouldn’t be your intent, but if players can do it in your game it’s likely the game would get taken down.
You wouldn’t be able to use the ‘I didn’t put that in my game’ excuse because the mechanics of your game would allow it to happen.

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its a local script so only the client can see it anyway im not sure if thats against tos though

its set to public idk why its saying that


i fixed it now it was different on studio for some reason

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