Roblox Physics not working on Huge Cloned parts

- What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
I want client to be able to clone huge meshes that have physics.

- What is the issue?
I have this huge mesh part in workspace, which follows roblox physics normally


When I try to clone it on a local script using the following code, it stops following the physics.

local WS = game:GetService('Workspace')
local mesh = WS:WaitForChild("WaveWall")
local newMesh = mesh:Clone()
newMesh.Position =, 200, 0)
newMesh.Parent = WS

the current size of the mesh part is as follows:

If I make the part smaller after cloning, It still follows the physics, so this bug has something to do with the part’s size.
Here is the code for making size smaller:

local WS = game:GetService('Workspace')
local mesh = WS:WaitForChild("WaveWall")
local newMesh = mesh:Clone()
newMesh.Position =, 200, 0)
newMesh.Size =, 40, 50)
newMesh.Parent = WS

To anyone who read this far, thank you.

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Try using a remote event to send it to the server? Modelstreaming might also be an issue with this. Just turn that off.

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I tried making the script server-sided and ran the game, it works perfectly fine, even when the part is huge it gets physics after being cloned. So the issue is with cloning by a client.
However I want to make the wave client sided since its only a VFX.

I am cloning a MeshPart not a Model, modelstreaming is for models I think?

Any other ideas how to fix this?

Try this in workspace. It may also be a property in each part, I don’t know for sure. Tell em if this fixes it!

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Thank you so much! It works now. I couldn’t find any other forum post complaining about this

Of course! Glad I could help you.

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Is there a specific way to turn off streaming for just one part? When I give my huge mesh physics on client game starts to lag like crazy, the physics i’m giving it are AlignPosition and LinearVelocity

Edit: The lag was due to using .Touched on a moving part which passed through main lobby, but still would be nice to know if I can turn it off for a single part.