What is RO DEBUG?

RO DEBUG is a customizable and easy-to-use debug system designed to monitor key player statistics in real-time. With RO DEBUG, you can display vital information directly in your game, including:

  • Real-time FPS Display: Keep track of your game’s performance.
  • Current Speed Display: Monitor the player’s speed as they move through the game world.
  • Top Speed Tracking: Record and display the highest speed achieved by the player.


Whether you’re developing a fast-paced FPS game or a game with a physics-based movement system, RO DEBUG can provide invaluable insights. Imagine offering your players the ability to see their FPS and speed in real-time, or track their top speed as they navigate through challenging levels. This not only enhances the player experience but also helps in debugging and optimizing your game.


  • Real-time Updates: Get instant feedback on FPS and speed.
  • Easy Integration: Seamlessly integrate RO DEBUG into your existing projects.
  • Customizable Refresh Rate: Adjust how frequently the stats are updated to suit your needs.

Get RoDebug Here:

You can read more info about it in the GitHub, and if you like it, I would appreciate if you could star the repository. You can copy the scripts from the repository, or download the Roblox file in the Releases tab. The Release includes a simple GUI I made.



This name is probably not the best for what it does, so if anyone has some suggestions for naming this, I would love to hear, as I have no idea what I should name it.


There are too little features for this to actually be useful.


Now I hate being up front like this but I kinda wanna clarify some of the reasons why this is kind of not that useful, we aren’t trying to just be rude when we say this

  1. stacking loop
  2. you can view fps in-game already with shift + f5, you’re just adding onto that (ties in with first point)
  3. a speedometer might not be that useful unless you’re literally recreating ULTRAKILL

I do have a few questions just cuz im curious, can you disable some of the options?
e.g only have speed and not fps

and does the speed take into account vertical speed?

Did you reply to the wrong person or just add onto mine?

Oh, I was adding onto what you said a little

Hey, I have never seen or heard of ULTRAKILL until now, however I was trying to recreate what you get in cs surf.

This said, I was actually using the Quake 3 Player Debug code as a reference.

The code is fully open source, so you can just remove whatever you don’t want from the module script.

Yes, it also takes the vertical speed into account.

I mainly made this so that I can test stuff for a movement system I am working on. Thought maybe other people would also want to use it for the same, or maybe different reasons.

Edit: I actually never knew about the SHIFT + f5 thing, thank you for letting me know about that. As for the loops, I added the “playerDebug:update(dt)” to the other loop to make it just one loop. I thought that it might be easier for players to make their own stuff if I give them 2 different loops, but I guess it does not matter too much as either way it will be the same.

Thank you for your comment, and I am open to any other suggestions.

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Well, I mainly made this to test a movement system I am working on, however what features do you think would benefit this code?