ROBLOX Player Points Leaderboard not working correctly

I’ve emailed info@roblox as well as posted in the forums but no one seems to notice this. I thought it was just me but I talked to my dev group I work with and they all have the same issue.

But when you click on a game any game, go to the leader-board section.
The “All time” section works it reads correctly.
The “Last week” shows scores from almost a month ago, at least at my game.
And the “Yesterday” section shows nothing at all besides “You are not ranked yet, go earn points” but it should show the top leaders since it says it was updated around 10 minutes ago. Same goes for any game I click on.

I’m not to sure how nobody seems to have noticed this or at least to my knowledge, it’s been like this for almost a month now.

Anyone else have this problem?

Yep, past Week & Yesterday is totally bugged. I had a guy stuck on the Week section for a good month, even when I subtracted all his points to zero lol.

Ok haha, glad it’s not just me.

So it’s been like 5 months now is there any plans to fix this?

It seems the web bugs section is usually the most neglected :confused: