Roblox Police Station

Hey Roblox community I have just built this police station for my newest project. I would love to get some feedback from the community on how I could improve it. Its going to feature Citizan AI that walk around and interact with the environment; and also police officers that you can interact with. I have not made them yet but ive already endevured in a similar project so it shouldn’t be to hard. I hope you guys like it, please send me feedback!

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It looks really cool, however the map seems relatively empty for users to stroll around. Perhaps put filler stuff like trees to make it seem more full? Overall, there isn’t much else feedback I can give because it looks really nice.

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Hey I have the habit of making new experiences so I have an empty workspace to build the projects for my game and after that I move it into the original game.

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I suggest adding some detail on the roof so that it’s not completely flat. Flat roofing in real life has some sort of height discrepancy along with borders, ventilation, etc. (Roofs shouldn’t be just one large flat plane)

That’s the only thing which stood out to me; the rest of the build looks very good!