Roblox Proccesing Power

  1. What do you want to achieve? Lower the amount of Proccesing Power that roblox is using.

  2. What is the issue? Most of the time when I open roblox, my PC shuts down (just the monitor and my fans become jet engines, task manager says roblox is using 45% Proccesing Power, while my GPU is at regular temperatur.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Reinstalled the roblox player, didn’t help.

PS: This has never happend before, roblox has never been using so many resources.


What are your device’s specs??


CPU: Intel(R) Core™ i7-8700 CPU
GPU: NVIDIA Geforce RTX 2060 Super


It must be a hardware issue because 45% processing power not enough to force a shutdown, check ur ram, cpu temperature and maybe your monitor


CPU temp around the usual 45-60 Degrees, I still have lots of RAM and It can’t be my monitor, since it loses signal meaning the PC shut off the monitor to not waste resources.


reinstall drivers, thats what i think off, maybe reinstall windows or check for corruptions.


^^^ This could fix it probably, either that or a loose wire in your pc somewhere, thats what used to happen to me


what do you mean by “shutting down” like the entire pc completely turns off?


Those are some old specs, I recommend watching some youtube tutorials and repasting the thermal paste on your CPU

Update your drivers as @computerph1_DEV said.

You probably are shutting down because of the tempature climbing so rapidly, and if it shuts down, that means that the tempatures you provided are your IDLES. Those are horrible idles and you NEED to repaste your CPU as it is overheating.

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My Monitor goes black and my pc fans become literal jet engines

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Right, what about roblox using 45% of my proccesing power tho?

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Turn down your graphics, it is largely depending on the game your playing, but roblox is very CPU-heavy, and it seems that your build has a good GPU but a budget CPU.

Off-topic below

Not related to the post but, your GPU is severely bottlenecked by your CPU, meaning you can never get your full potential.

did you mean CPU? how can a gpu affect gpu

how?? my setup works fine, even its lower end than yours

CPU: Intel Core i3-2120, Intel Core i5-2nd gen (other setup)
GPU: Intel HD Graphics, Intel HD Graphics 2000 (idk why the i3 driver doesnt show number)
Monitor: 1280x768 at 60hz, can go upto 1920x1080 but its blurry, using same as laptop at 60hz

edit : try launching roblox with your gpu disconnected