roblox-py is a project I started a while ago to be a compiler for Python to Luau, it was meant to be an experiment but gained a lot of traction, The previous versions were not Production Ready in any way, this version is supposed to change that.
This current version is not in #resources because it still needs to undergo some changes before I fully release it until then you can try out the playground listed above.
Rewritten from the ground up
Yield From supported
del supported
More operators
A lot of bug fixes
Faster compiler
try, catch, finally
staticmethods and classmethods
Optimized code
New interface/CLI
Match statements
Indexs start at 0
Set, List, and Dict comprehension
ex: squares = {x**2 for x in range(1, 11)}
Custom types
Default arguments
Connect to events using decorators
Import services like import game.Workspace as WK and automatically have :GetService used in generated code
Automatic generated exports and the end of the file
This is cool (I like how it compiles in real-time in the playground, most online IDEs don’t). Given that standard Python contains std io functions [input etc…] do you plan to add deeper io support for Luau somehow? I noticed input may not be supported.
The python standard functions are supported in the CLI using the -f argument, I might add a checkbox to the Playground to let you add that in the playground