Roblox Raising Benchmark Stats Early

My game which averages around 2K DAU used to have horrible stats. However, I made some improvements and began running ads again. The stats went up somewhat, landing in atleast the 60th-70th percentile. Shortly after, I noticed that Roblox had raised my benchmark stats, bringing me back down.

I had never even hit the algorithm so it confuses me why Roblox is already trying to kill my game off. Should I keep advertising as long as my stats stay consistent (even if they are not hitting high percentiles since benchmarks were raised) or is it a waste of money?

I feel like all my work I put in to improving and advertising the game is just wasted, and I am scared the same will happen if I try to improve my stats again. (Roblox raising my benchmarks without even recommending my game to anyone)

My game: [šŸŽ] KAD! - Roblox

Also, my game is a multi player matchmaking game so it tends to get better statistics when there are more players. (8 min session time, 8%-9% retention) but it is hard to get those statistics up only relying on players from ads even when Iā€™m running ~15K Robux in ads everyday, so I desperately need to hit the algorithm.

Please let me know what I should do and why this is happening.

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You have no chance my guy.

My stats are all very high and I usually canā€™t get over 60 or 50 CCU. You need to be in the 90th+ in EVERY SINGLE category to get over 100. Yeah RIP completely scuffed. How many pay to play clickbait can u get away with and decent mostly clickbaitā€¦

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Peak ccu 4K, I know itā€™s possible I just donā€™t know how to get on algo for this game.

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Probably your D1 retention, I know the stats I showed were lower but retention was high (atleast for a Monday)

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Iā€™m so confused. Iā€™m looking at the game right now, 9 days after this was posted, and the game has dropped to ZERO players? How is that possible?

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The only players my game gets are from ads. There was 2K dau yesterday. When the ad cycle is on, there are players, when it is off, there is 0 players. The game is not on the algorithm

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If youā€™re talking about this, this is a separate game.

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Whats your retention data sitting at for that game now that it has gone back up to 500 CCU?

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My game is constantly at around 500 ccu so idk wym, but hereā€™s the retention

Also the game I was actually talking about which everyone is ignoring for some reason has gone down to average session time of 3.5 min and day 1 retention of 4%. I think there may be a bug because there are countless games in this format which have 500-10K ccu

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Make 0 sense. I assume your genre is way less compettive seems like a factor. I only got 100 CCu

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Whatā€™s your benchmark? The volleyball gameā€™s benchmark is top 1000 or top 500 experience

Wdym? it just says similar experiences.Daily active users is at bit over top 10k