Roblox Random Flickers my CPU and freezes screen

This happens in every game I play. Everything works normally and then Roblox just overloads the CPU for a second, my screen freezes and then back to normal.

My both CPU, Graphics and Memory are high-end, so that isn’t the issue. All my drivers are updated and compatible with roblox. This issue appeared two months ago and is still ongoing. Even my low-end PC doesn’t have these problems.

Any help?


have you tried updating ur driver/gpu to the latest version, because who knows its the problem, ive tried before and it works

or also it could cause by the monitor frame rate ,go buy a new one :innocent:

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Thanks for your response,

but my driver and GPU are both on the latest version, and the monitor has been the same for 3 years, and hasn’t made these problems until two months ago.

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ok heres my tips if Roblox still overloads the CPU

  • PC problem
  • theres virus?
  • lowering the studio render to level 1
  • close startup windows

Is there the same problem with other games?

Because I have a similar problem with lag.

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Maybe you should create a bug report for it. I am also having the exact same issue.

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Yeah I have same on every game

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Check your CPU performance in Task Manager while playing any game

It was the webcam feature for facial expressions. I turned it off in Windows settings, solved.

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