Roblox randomly re-installs itself for no reason

Description: Sometimes, instead of Roblox starting or updating, it just says “Installing Roblox”, like if Roblox was never installed before. I have not uninstalled or in any way modified the Roblox Client. When it finishes, I get the usual “welcome” screen that says “ROBLOX IS SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED! Click “play” on any game to get started!” What’s weird is that it also doesn’t ask me to download the file, it just reinstalls itself for whatever reason.
Where it happens: Rarely when I press the play button on any game.
When it happens: Started happening approximately this year.
Proof: Unfortunately, I don’t have any. I closed the window.
Repro Steps: Go to any game on Roblox, and click “Play”. Sometimes, you will see “installing Roblox” instead of “starting”. Seems to happen sometimes instead of Roblox updating.


Try following the steps in this article:

That’s how Roblox updates sometimes. There was a post about this I think.


This happened to me once, and recent.
Where it happens: was going to play a game then that happened.
When it happened: This morning (Germany)
Proof: Sorry, didn’t capture it.
Notes: i recently changed the color of my cursor and loading screen, it’s now default.

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This happened to me yesterday it’s a normal thing so I didnt take any screenshots

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its happening to me everytime i restart my pc, and everytime its reinstalling it self for no reason. glad that its even working after this


It happens to me many times and I am trying to figure out why.


It’s been happening to me too since the new update was released. Whenever I open the Roblox Player it reinstalls itself even if it was successfully updated to the latest version

I managed to find a workaround (tested on Windows 11):

  1. On your desktop, press WinR
  2. In the prompt that shows up, type %LOCALAPPDATA% and press Enter (File Explorer should now open up)
  3. Inside File Explorer, double-click on the folder named Roblox, then double-click the folder named Versions
  4. Sort the contents by Date modified and in Descending order
  5. Find the most recent folder that contains the RobloxPlayerBeta.exe
  6. Click on it once then right-click it and select Pin to Start
  7. Use this shortcut to open the Roblox Player without it reinstalling itself every-time

There’s one caveat to this method though, which is the fact that you’ll need to remember to use the original shortcut when Roblox releases a new update

I must say, the two most recent updates have really broken a lot of different things for me. Roblox was working perfectly fine beforehand