(Roblox Realtors) Classic ads Remaster showcase #1


Hello, I got bored and decided to remake classic Roblox ads making them have better quality using Blender & Photoshop this the first one and a lot more are coming!





The first one obviously looks better, not that your recreation wasn’t good, but it doesn’t show modernity. As a modern one, you’ll need to render the house, add maybe some decorations such as trees and paths, and finally use some proper marketing advert style especially modern simplicity, not just changing the font, the color and the background only. :]

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Nicely done! I’ve always liked the classic Roblox ads and I’m glad to see that someone’s paying attention to them and giving them higher detail! My only gripes are the title and slogan fonts. Personally, I would’ve kept them the way they are, but in higher definition.


I disagree, remastering isn’t the same as your definition of modernizing, but it is similar. The only thing a remaster of an image needs to be considered a remaster is better detail and/or more polish. Remastering doesn’t need anything else new so long as it’s done well, and I think OP’s done pretty well at that.



Just some polishing up, not too overdone, nothing added, nothing removed for the most part.


Thanks for your feedback, i did render the house with the plain i didn’t want to make it too modern or too classic but just a remaster as it mentioned if you know what i mean i don’t want to change anything from the original cause once again it’s just a remaster just making it bit better quality from the classic one!

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i’ll try to do that in the next ones for sure! thanks

Question, how would this ad be advertised? Box, banner, or skyscraper? Because it doesn’t like like any of those…

It’s a decale from some classic roblox ad models that are used on old maps.


Remastering isn’t remaking a same quality/small detail changed version. For example Roblox put a “Sold” wooden sign, and OG only put a stamp clipart. In this case judging with the original creation, this isn’t innovative enough, judging by a common expectation in 2022, it’s not very extraordinary either.

Which means, either way, it can be improved largely.

I think you’re confusing remake and remaster.

Remaster is when something is outdated, you make it into a modernised and certainly a more polished version. Remake is copying with some changes.
However, remastering without enough innovations or increase in quality, wouldn’t make it a good remaster, but more of a remake.

But they did increase the quality.

I like the premise but the yellow text blends too much into the background and the cursive(?) looks goofy next to the bold fonts next to it. Otherwise it’s a fine take on the classic and it would be fun to see more !

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Very little, especially judging by time used to make it.

sorry? what do you mean by that

Even if it lines up more with the definition of a remake, I still firmly believe the term remaster works just fine, especially when we’re talking about pictures. Cut em’ a little slack, please. OP made a new version of the old image with full intention of increasing the detail; it still makes sense to call it a remaster, even if it is still a different image. Also you keep trying to make this a matter of innovation when it doesn’t need to be. Neither remasters nor remakes need to be extraordinary or innovative, they just need to follow the rules established to be considered such.

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