Roblox renders at lower resolution

roblox renders at a lower resolution, game ui is not affected, just everything else. i have reinstalled roblox and restarted my pc and it did not fix the issue
it does not affect studio


i am not, but i will try using the fast flag soon as i have uninstalled bloxstrap in an attempt to fix my issue.


i dont think uninstalling bloxstrap will fix your issue, but there’s a way to test without uninstalling it (I’m probably a tad late)

you can simply launch roblox through “Roblox Player” and it’ll launch without bloxstrap, however to reactivate bloxstrap you need to launch roblox through the bloxstrap menu

Hi we were testing a feature and the test was quick turned off after your report. Sorry about that. I believe that all is fine for You now.

Flawey @FlawlessPwrs:
Can you you please tell me what is your monitor resolution it is an actually interesting datapoint for me. Thanks a ton!

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1920x1080, 100hz
hope this helps

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