Roblox ribbonbar textbox problem

When using Ribbonbar you can’t see if the textboxes are ticked or not, as it just blinks when hoovering over it.

Example when hoovering over it under, it show’s as ticked:

External Media

Under is showing when not hoovering but it’s checked. Were it does not show up as checked when it is checked.
And if it’s not checked, it still show’s the checked mark when hoovering over it.

External Media

I can confirm I have been having this issue as well in Ribbonbar.

I love to vacuum over my checkboxes.


Bump. Any updates on this admins?

Yes, this issue encompasses all text-boxes in Ribbonbar.
They function normally, but visually, they are all either unchecked or checked.

Yes, this issue encompasses all text-boxes in Ribbonbar.
They function normally, but visually, they are all either unchecked or checked.[/quote]

I know that it works normal, but i can’t see if it is checked or not.