Roblox Rig Help

Hello, I have been trying to import a rig of this character into blender:!/about
No matter what I try, it always imports as an object and I can’t find a way to put clothing and hats on the avatar. I don’t know what to do and I have never been able to import an avatar. Youtube videos are not helping either. What may be causing my problem? (I was about to put screenshots but I have to go for now so I will edit later.)

You can just use Moon Animator plugin’s Character Inserter and it will import everything.

Really? I can manipulate it in blender too? I have never been able to actually change the post of moon animator though.

Wait, your saying you want to import the model into blender or Roblox Studio?

I want to import into Blender.

You can use the AlreadyPro Character Importer to get your character in studio and then export it into blender.

No, but then I cannot pose it and the texture is not there.

Very simple. Right click the model in workspace in Roblox studio, click export selection. Select a file to save it, go to blender, file, import, IMPORT AS OBJ, go to the file you saved the model, clicked obj file format, NOT the mtl. If your not seeing where’s your model, go to Object which is located at the top left Viewport Frame, set origin, origin to 3D cursor, click origin again, and this time geometry to origin. There should be 4 buttons on the top right of the viewport frame. The icons are like speherical shape. Click the fourth button and u will see the textures of the model.

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This is why Moon Animator is important, you must pose your character before you import it to blender. After posing, make sure to anchor it. DO NOT ANCHOR it if your not starting to Pose yet. Your Model will be immovable.

Oh ok. So I pose it in moon animator then import it. It sounds destructive though since I have to reimport if I do not like the pose.

You can always change the pose when your posing lol. But not in blender.

Press Z and then selected rendered to see your textures.
you can also pre-pose it in studio and then import to blender. you don’t need to select textures because they were pre-located so yeah.

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Because there’s a LOT of type of characters in Roblox, for example Rthro, R15, R6 and more. The most frustrating problem is there’s no rig for all types of Rthro. That’s why posing the model first is important.

I am opening the character in roblox studio but I cannot pose it for some reason when I press moon animator? What do I do?

Moon Animator, create a new file. Name it, press the plus button on the top left, click the model and press OK.

use the old Moon Animator and get to the weld tool. and then press on a player part to move it. press R to get to move mode.

If not, you might have anchored the model. You must unanchor it before posing.

Yep, I think it is working. I will contact you if I have any issues.

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That doesn’t work. It’s posing and not welding.

If you used the old moon animator you used to have a weld tool that’ll allow you to pose without getting into the animator tab. it’s great if you want to make a pose fast and finish it.

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