Roblox Rig is Broken, How do I fix it?

I was making a custom avatar for my game when I realized the rigs were not working. The avatar doesn’t seem to be able to move or do anything. I used the default rig builder plug-in to build the rigs, and I even rebuilt the rig multiple times.

I can’t show any videos because I can’t upload MP4 files for some reason.

How do I fix this bug? It’s been happening for a couple of days. Does anyone else have this problem?


I never did have this problem and it’s probably something in a script why you can’t move or something with the body parts. try this if it doesn’t work

  1. make sure there are no body part’s anchored
  2. make sure you have walkspeed on like 16 or whatever you want but not 0

i hope i did solve your problem with it if not say more detail about it or send a picture of it.


I already sure of all this stuff, I even tried in multiple games.

Well can you send the script in a reply so maybe i se something what’s wrong with it?
couse maybe there is a fould and also check the output for errors and try to find these.

There really isn’t any script, the rig is from Roblox.

Well i gues i can’t really help you but try to search it on google, YT or try to find it on Roblox Studio

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Maybe it Just has an infinite Yield, Did you name the Body Parts in the script Correctly?

Again, I didn’t make it, I spawned it in from the rig loader.

The Rig Importer imports rigs for animating, not for use for custom characters, as they might be missing essential joints, etc. Although for me, the rigs that get imported are good enough to use as NPCs which can move around. What do you mean by it can’t move? Are you running an animation script? Movement script?

As I have said for the 100th time, I have not edited the rig in any way. In the past, it worked fine. I can send a video of it, but you would have to download it.

Upload the video to streamable, and send the link. Like I said, are you playing animations or using humanoid movement, or what?

Here is a video of the bug, I can’t move.

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Works completely fine, check out the video:

External Media

Are you sure it’s not your armor then? Is your armor anchored? Natively the rig itself works perfectly fine, as long as you unanchor the HumanoidRootPart.


Ok, thank you, the rig was anchored.

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