ROBLOX Rules, Question

Right, so bad language inst allowed on ROBLOX so…
I am making a script which will make a random 4 digit string of numbers and letters, Is it allowed to add some prevention in my script to stop rood words being generated or would that be classed as inappropriate scripting?


If it prevents players from seeing inappropriate content, I am sure it is allowed.

I did some back of the envelope calculations and there is a 0.01% chance of something that could possibly be construed as a bad word will come out of your generator. That’s only 1 out of every 10,000 times.

At that chance it’s not even worth bothering with a filter, allowed or not.

[quote] I did some back of the envelope calculations and there is a 0.01% chance of something that could possibly be construed as a bad word will come out of your generator. That’s only 1 out of every 10,000 times.

At that chance it’s not even worth bothering with a filter, allowed or not. [/quote]

1 in 37015056 chance if using lower and uppercase letters & all numbers with their symbol.

Except you’d have to substitute the 1 in the probablity for however many swear words there are.

“1 in 37015056 chance if using lower and uppercase letters & all numbers with their symbol.”

If you consider that there are inappropriate strings of length 3, and that those strings appended or prepended with an extra character are still inappropriate, and consider 3 <-> e, 5 <-> s replacements, etc, it’s closer to 1:10,000 chance. I actually spent about 5 minutes of estimation figuring it out.

But if it did happen I could get a ban…

[quote] :uhhh:

If it prevents players from seeing inappropriate content, I am sure it is allowed. [/quote]

Read mah post!

I did, Just prefer to get my info from 2+ places.

[quote] :uhhh:

If it prevents players from seeing inappropriate content, I am sure it is allowed. [/quote]

I second that.

ANYTHING that OBEYS the rules is allowed.
If you’re trying to deliberately NOT BREAK THE RULES then whatever you’re doing is fine.

I always get scared if I type a curse in my script, my friend is completely the opposite