Roblox says my audio isn't an mp3 file when it is

And this is the audio

It is very clearly an mp3, what is going on?

Make sure the bitrate isn’t too high! Try 160! Edit: I see, the bitrate is 128. Very, very odd… I’m seeing about what it could be now.


Try going to the file properties and setting the read only attribute to true, it seemed to be the problem!

What would I do?

change writable to no if you can! I’m not sure how to access properties of a file on Mac, but that seems to be the problem

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Well in all fairness, this uploaded so… that’s probably not the problem.

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What application are you using to export the audio?

Brave browser for uploading. Used it before so that’s not the issue

How fast are you successively uploading each one? It might be how rapidly you’re uploading!

This is the first one I’m uploading. So once every 15 days haha

Woah. That puts me at a loss. Have you tried uploading using Studio?

Not yet, I could try this afternoon though

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