ROBLOX Scripting | Hiring UI Designers and GFX Designers

UI Designer Hiring

We will be hiring one UI Designer for a short job. We need you to create a mainframe UI for my new game: ROBLOX Scripting || Beginner’s Tutorial. You do not need to put the words for the tutorial. All you need to do is design the UI itself. Please try to make it look good. We only need ONE UI that will be used throughout the whole lesson.

Graphics Designer Hiring

We will be hiring a GFX/Graphics Designer for the game as well. We only need one or two icons. One of the icons should consist of a white and blue gradient background. There should be an avatar pointing to a sign that will say, “Beginner’s Scripting Tutorial.” Again, you must be a skilled GFX Designer.


Since neither of these jobs are too big, you will be paid game revenue. You must finish the project to be paid (quitting early will result in less revenue).

UI Designer’s Revenue: 20%
GFX Designer’s Revenue: 15%

This may seem like little revenue, but it will cost 25 R$ to play the game.

You will also get any perks in-game free.


There are a few ways you can contact me.

Discord: ChasingNachos#8128
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Did you type the wrong name? It says Beginner’s tutorial but it is a recruitment.


Whoops! I accidentally clicked the save button before typing out the entire post. Thanks for telling me!

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Do the UI designers need to script the UI’s?


Do you still need the UI Designer?

Nope! Sorry!

I can do the GFX.

DM me on twitter @thenceforth_ if you want to see my examples.

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