Roblox seems to have broken DragDetector.DragContinue?

So yesterday I finished up a grab system using DragDetectors (big mistake apparently) and it was working fine but after booting up studio today it was not working anymore as it was not updating to my mouse drag, simply put DragDetector.DragContinue is not firing anymore, even after trying on a different game and different script.

local dragDetector = script.Parent

	print("start") --prints

	print("drag") --doesn't print

print("connected") --prints

Did Roblox break DragDetector.DragContinue?
Is this only happening to me?
Did I change something on my computer that causes DragContinue to not fire anymore?

This happens on both studio and published versions of the game


It seems to be fine

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Well that’s odd, for me it prints everything but “drag”. I don’t know what’s going on, maybe something’s wrong with my computer that causes DragContinue to not fire?

I tried restarting but it didn’t work as well


Ok so it works if the drag detector is not set to scriptable, can you try to use the same code but with the drag detector set to scriptable?

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Fixed by making the drag detector’s drag style anything other than scriptable and set the MaxForce and MaxTorque to 0

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