Hey guys, I have recently purchased a web server on DigitialOcean and decided I wanted to use it for more than just matchmaking, so I made an extension that creates chrome notifications sent from requests from ROBLOX servers. It’s super easy thanks to PubNub and the server I recently bought.
It’s in a working state but not finished and is being published, but I still have to wait for the 24 hour developer authentication from google, but I’ll bump the topic once I get approved.
Darn it google!
Anyways it’s very easy to use this system and I’ll explain how right now!
Did I forget to mention IT’S FREE!?
First, you need to go to PubNub.com and create an account and after that you have to find your subscriber and publisher keys and copy them to continue (this is a random account so you can spam it for all I care).
Secondly, you’ll need to input the subscriber and publisher keys into your extension’s popup window which appears when click the extension’s yellow R icon!
After you do that,just have to restart your browse and you’re done the Google Chrome side!
Now onto the ROBLOX Server, it’s super easy all you have to do is require a module and choose when to send the notification!
local Notifications = require(268695754)(PUBLISH_KEY,SUBSCRIBE_KEY)
Notifications:SendMessage(Title, Message, Priority [Optional], Type [Optional], Icon [Optional])
[Optional] means it’ll be automatically be set for you when sent to the server.
Here’s an example of how I used this Notifications system.
local Notifications =require(268695754)(PUBLISH_KEY,SUBSCRIBE_KEY)
Notifications:SendMessage(Player.Name.. " chatted!",message,1)
[size=4]Click me to download packed extension![/size]