Roblox should switch allowing Bluesky Social links instead of X/Twitter links

Twitter (Now X, but I will refer to it equally as Twitter for obvious reasons), is a website that has increasingly gone downhill. The content on it is terrible, it has slowly become a scammer & extremist safehaven as the owner of the website, Elon Musk, breaks so many aspects of the website that it is actively being banned in many countries, with more to follow.

A large influx of users have moved to Blue Sky Social. It looks very similar to Twitter, and has much more safety features. 13+ users are FAR SAFER on Bluesky than on ‘X’, with far more moderation settings users can implement to keep themselves safe, less grifting, and is simply the better alternative that more and more people are switching to every day.

Personally, it’s getting gross to see that twitter/X is still what’s supported on this website. I do not think any young teenager should be directed to Twitter, as it’s an increasingly dangerous place for young minds.

Roblox & their shareholders has a responsibility to keep it’s users safe. Twitter/X, in it’s current state, as it is - constantly dismantled by it’s owner, and safety measures being thrown out the window (Blocking is getting practically removed), make it NOT a place Roblox should willingly be sending users.

But, X/Twitter remains an option for developers to reach out.
I think, at the very least, an alternative like Bluesky should be added for those who do not feel safe or comfortable using Twitter/X. Realistically, X should likely not even be allowed in it’s current state to be linked on the website, considering how restrictive Roblox is, but if it is going to be allowed then a safer alternative should be presented to help phase out that dying, decrepit website.

The advertisements shown on X are, since the vast majority of advertisers have left, becoming increasingly inappropriate. The website’s algorithms are specifically reworked to put reactionary, violent, and malicious content at the top of your viewing experience.

It is not acceptable. Roblox is actively condoning something that realistically is not good for it’s userbase.

As ‘X’ gets banned from more countries, what is Roblox’s reaction going to be?
Just to hide the links to those countries?
When will it just be removed from the website altogether and replaced??


This is an non-issue. Roblox allows social links from many other websites that have similar, or even worse problems than the ones you describe. Roblox themselves also have an X account that they use and actively post with on a regular basis. If Roblox were to remove X links solely because of what you say, why shouldn’t they remove Discord, Facebook, Twitch, and YouTube links too?

I do not think any young teenager should be directed to Twitter, as it’s an increasingly dangerous place for young minds.

If anything, the problems these other platforms have are 100% worse than what you describe here with X, especially with this idea in mind. Truly, if we’re speaking from a unbiased perspective, the absolute decision in this case would be to remove social links from the website altogether, or allow Guilded to become the only social link available for developers to set on their games.


Discord should not be allowed as a social link as well because of pedophiles.

Oh, and YouTube should not be allowed because suggestive YouTube Kids videos

Bad reply that doesn’t reflect my actual opinions blurred


So… what you’re saying is that you agree with me in that we should have Bluesky as a valid social link we can put up? It’d help if you engaged with this thread more fully.


Right now, this is all we get. This thread has two directions presented: Replacing twitter with bluesky, or at the very least implementing Bluesky due to it’s increasing popularity amongst ex-twitter users. I don’t think it’s very impactful to simply discredit my critique of twitter but not even remotely address the more underlying point of the topic, which is that Bluesky is steadily gaining traction & is a safer place than Twitter, therefore, being something that should be allowed.

Same response to this as above. These seem to be replies moreso taking the piss over the presented idea that Twitter is rapidly/observably deteriorating, not really a very engaging reply in any way shape or form, nor does it actually really even remotely mention whether or not you think Bluesky should be added as a social link. Y’all are reacting - not responding.

I think this is in a lot of ways the most important part of the post, but I guess being in the middle it’s also the least-read part of it. We need bluesky because it’s a good alternative to a dying platform - everything else I just said trashtalking Twitter/X is just the context as to why we need the alternative, in the end.

If you want, I can re-word my post to be less ‘Anti-Twitter’ and put more into how I’d like to see Bluesky, but that’s a level of feedback that I don’t feel I’m being presented here, so much as just a raw reaction to a relatively common opinion stated with vigor.

It is not a “non issue”. It is a /Feature request/ that’d be very quick for roblox to implement, supporting a new social media site that is near-identical to one they /already support/, except with safety features Elon ripped away restored, and even better safety features at that.
That in a lot of ways IS what Roblox uses to decide whether or not to allow a type of social media link, so it is an incredibly valid topic to bring up. I agree there are huge issues with the websites they allow, but clearly they do have SOME standards, and it’s worth discussing them and whether or not Bluesky falls within that standard and should be added (And whether or not twitter, which is CONTINIOUSLY getting worse, unlike the other sites presented, will remain valid)

Thank you.


I’m more for adding instead of replacing. I agree that Twitter has been going downhill, and that’s precisely why I stopped using it shortly after Elon Musk acquired it. Completely replacing X with Bluesky may not be the best move yet, as we don’t know what Bluesky will look like in the future, and it may attract the same people causing problems on Twitter. It’s just too early to make any changes like that.

Sorry for being so nonconstructive before.


Agree, they should also add options for websites like odysee and bitchute!


I’m all for adding more social links but I feel like this is way easier said than done. If Roblox were to add a new social link option, it’d have to be one that they’re highly confident in, and Bluesky is still brand new.

There’s also several other Twitter alternatives people use that you could make an argument for adding. But which ones would you even add? Adding all of them would be an overwhelming mess, and adding only one would feel unfair. Decentralized social networks are also just really complicated in general, because Roblox can’t just whitelist one specific instance.

Maybe a better option would just be to let us add custom links, though I’m not sure how safety/moderation would like that. You’d also have to take into account how to handle this in PolicyService…


They could coexist. I want to see Bluesky links supported and keep Twitter.


Bluesky has ~500k monthly users. X has 600+ million. X is literally around 1,000x more popular.


One unfortunate potential issue I see Roblox having with this is that all Bluesky links also include another link, for example; my Bluesky handle on Bluesky includes my website in it; by the nature of the system, all Bluesky handles are like this and any handle could theoretically be another external link to any site the user owns. You could theoretically already do this via linking a website to your account, but that isn’t a required field nor the focal point of the page; unlike a handle which arguably is.

There also comes the fact that if you lose your domain due to not renewing it, someone can presumably steal your handle. I’m not sure how Bluesky handles this since they don’t document it, but I’d be willing to bet that Bluesky would allow the new domain owner to override the old username. I’m not exactly sure if this is an issue or not but if it is, then through no action of your own your profile could be replaced by one of a malicous actor; just because you forgot to renew your domain name.

Limiting it to just ‘’ accounts would also limit creators who may have vanity company accounts, so that isn’t exactly an ideal option either. If this is to happen, Roblox needs to relax their policy on external links because otherwise, this won’t be useful for most creators. To make it clear, I do want to see this as a feature; but I also want to point out the potential challenges with marketing this feature to Roblox, especially in the case that Roblox may see those unaddressed issues themselves and silently decline this request.


roblox should remove twitter and not add blue sky completely. it is not hard for someone to just a link a porn account and have it go completely undetected (not to mention other illegal activities)


X/Twitter is pretty bad. Plus, they allow adult content. As many other’s have said here, there should be more options. Allowing creators to link more websites would be amazing. For example; Threads. As it doesn’t allow adult content.

But, that’s up to Roblox. So we can’t really do anything :pensive:


I think the general estimates are that there are more bots/fake accounts on twitter than users. Take that number with a very big grain of salt. A salt grain so big you might as well be taking it like a pill.

Believe it or not, and I really don’t understand how so many people in this thread aren’t understanding this; This is not exactly the bug reporting board. Nothing is a “Non-Issue” here.

This is for feature requests.

And believe it or not, people request features they want to see added. And it’s pretty obvious by a decent amount of people responding positively to this thread, that clearly there is at least some demand to see bluesky added.

So why, exactly, you’d think calling a basic, easy to implement, desirable feature request a “non-issue” is the appropriate start of your response here, is beyond me.

If anything, the problems these other platforms have are 100% worse than what you describe here with X, especially with this idea in mind. Truly, if we’re speaking from a unbiased perspective, the absolute decision in this case would be to remove social links from the website altogether, or allow Guilded to become the only social link available for developers to set on their games.

This is hilarious though. Of course the person who unhelpfully retorts “uhm aktually, this is a non-issue” also has to talk about how he’s speaking from an “Unbiased Perspective”.

From my perspective, it only takes a few minutes on bluesky to see how it clearly has better safety measures than Twitter. In-fact, if you’ve paid attention to the trend, you’d have seen that Elon Made it so that blocks no longer prevent the blocked person from seeing your posts. An absolute trashing of something as basic of a block feature that MOST social sites do NOT have the problem of - No, my friend, I would say you are indeed coming at this from a most biased position.
The gutting of basic safety features is not this bad in any of the listed social medias.

It takes minimal effort to make a website have more security than the utterly incompetent Elon Musk’s Frankenstein known as ‘X’. If you pay attention to what’s actually been going on at Twitter, you realize that it’s safety concerns are rapidly growing - Something so obvious that, while you’re free to be skeptical of Bluesky’s safety as well, means there is no denying that Twitter/X is in not only a far worse state, user-safety wise, but is also obviously, and purposefully, heading in a trajectory to make that safety worse - Something you cannot say the same about for Bluesky, which while new, clearly is trying to restore safety features that X has removed, that Twitter prior had, and even implement new ones.

Now, if you want to discuss this from an ACTUALLY unbiased point of view - I’d love to see that. But you were already swinging with bias from your very first sentence, with little to back it up.

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Bluesky is equally as bad as X, both are extreme left wing and extreme right wing.
Politics don’t belong in roblox.


If we go with the highest metric of 75 percent of all users are bots. It’s still bigger than blue sky.

If it is then you have to get yourself into it on Bluesky, unlike Twitter. Haven’t seen any of that crap on Bluesky thankfully. Elon Musk pushes political content on Twitter to get you to vote for the person he wants which is why he’s such a garbage human. Blue Blocker is an essential plugin at this point. Have muted over 35k+ bluechecks and my feed is so much cleaner.


They should allow portfolio websites in bio, or just even basic markdown styling of bios.

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Yes there are bots (like every other internet platform) but whatever % you chalk it up to X is still orders of magnitude more popular. It’s just objectively true that X/Twitter is more culturally significant and widespread. It’s an established social media and bluesky is still relatively new. I’m not opposed to adding more social links including bluesky but removing X would be a huge mistake and detrimental for many developers.

I don’t think Twitter should be removed because I understand that many people have long-standing accounts on Twitter that they can’t just abandon. However, I do hope Roblox adds more social linking options as Twitter continues becoming less and less safe for media creators to share their content on and engage with a young audience in an environment that’s actually safe for them to be in. Of the social linking options Roblox offers, there’s no good alternative to Twitter at this time. I wish I could be able to share news and updates with my community, but all other avenues have limits – A Devforum post link is easily not seen and feels less communicative, youtube videos can’t convey changelogs, Discord and Guildeds have barriers of entry instead of just being a webpage people can view, etc… we really need support for a social platform that is easy to access, public, can be interacted with, and is safe for young users to be on

Twitter recently updated their TOS to state that all content uploaded there can be used to train machine learning and there is no option to opt out of it. As a creator I don’t have any faith uploading anything to that site, and I don’t feel confident attracting young users to a social media platform that advertises specific political messages and doomscrolling-type content to an extent that’s almost impossible to avoid