Roblox Slow/500 Error (12/15)

Roblox is being very slow for me- and I’m getting 500 internal server errors.

This seems to be happening globally. It started happening just now.

To repro: Visit a Roblox site. It is not happening every time I visit a site, and is happening seemingly at random. Screenshot above.


Same thing is happening to me, the way I was sort of able to fix this was using a VPN to go into the website and find a game to play, then once on the game screen where you can press play, turn off the VPN so you you’re using your personal connection and then hit play, that somewhat works but you need to do this every time you wanna switch a game.
I’ve also emailed Roblox about this and they just said to sit tight and wait until they can resolve this bug. It looks like an IP thing also.


What is happening exactly? I am experiencing an issue with “Error 500” too.

EDIT: It appears this bug has been fixed entirely (at least for me).


Aw, when i done making experimental optimisations i was excited to try it out but server had a
major spike lag and didnt get a chance to see how 100 AI handles the stress
data store seems to work properly as i dont get “data store error”

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Seems like for me, the website is functional as of 12/16/2020, the only fix is waiting for Roblox themselves to fix it.

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I have the same problem, I fixed it with a VPN but when I turn it off the error comes back.

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This apparently is happening generally in northwestern USA, according to my friends. Is that where you all are also?

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I live in Sweden and I’m also experiencing this issue. I would guess that means this is global?

Image from Gyazo

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I started getting this error also. Tried using other browsers but all got the same result. Only the mobile app still seems to work for me.


Ive started getting this error as well and i beleive i have figured out the source of the problem, one of the latest features of chrome now Rejects Cross-Site cookies, And looking in the browser’s Console and Issues, i Get the following issue: cookies

i beleive, this new feature is blocking some important part of the website, Could anyone Help me confirm if this is true?

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I’m also getting the same warning in my console, but by taking a look at the cookie settings it doesn’t look like anything has been actually blocked.

(Text is in Swedish)

Besides, this warning also pops up when a page loads correctly.

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I’m having this issue now. Every page I go to shows this screen. I have to retry over and over until it works


Happening again? It is happening to me now and I restarted and it might be a “history” thing, so try clearing cache.

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Im having this issue trying to upload a decal to my game. Its horrible :sob:

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Same Roblox support said they would fix it, but its been 4 days.

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Happening to me Right now. I emailed Roblox and they just said that they are working on the issue. Its been like 3 days tho.

Edit: Problem just fixed for me right now because I emailed Roblox.

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I’m still having this issue, it’s been present for days. I can’t do anything on the Roblox site.

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Same I’ve had this issue since 3-4 days ago. I emailed Roblox support, but they still haven’t fixed it. I recommend using a VPN then turning it off when about to play a game. It’s a Roblox issue nothing we can do.

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Read title before responding – this is from 3 months ago.