Roblox starting place but realistic?

Feedback would be nice.


That Looks Insane.(But im always suprised with these realistic builds.)
you have a lot of talent.(unless those are free models, you can’t trust anyone these days)
im not a builder so i can’t give you feedback about mistakes and stuff, but in my eyes it looks really cool!

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It’s awesome, but why would there be rocks around a body of water that has a tree in it? Like I said though, this is awesome, better than I can make at the moment.


There’s no door
Character Limit

Yeah free assets from Roblox. I am no builder.

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I find it cool but i respect your opinion.


Yeah, I kind of deleted the door for no reason; but this game was for fun.

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Is it a game? If it is then I suggest you union some things, export them to blender for example and then reemport them un Roblox studio so it will lower the part count and not kill low end devices

It’s not a game, it’s more like a small project if you know what i mean.

Got it :+1:
Character limit limited

Looks good. I’m more of a weapon/tool/clothing modeler so I probably can’t actually make those assets. :+1:

Some things I personally find offsetting.

  1. Trees look better than the building in comparison so they don’t necessarily fit the theme (Or vise versa)
  2. The rocks around the water look all the same which isn’t as pleasing
  3. I personally think it would look better if there was more of a dirt/rocky path towards the house (The colors in the picture are really close to grass color so I can’t really make out the difference in material)
  4. The chimney is kind of oversized in comparison of the house
  5. I think adding some flowers / weeds (dandelions) just to match the outdoor summer feel
  6. One of the fence stakes is larger than the rest (Not talking about the corner stakes, it’s near the front)
  7. The sky is really cloudy for how much daylight there is, (This might just be due to perspective)

(Excluded some of the other details that some other’s have said already)
I’m personally not a builder so I can’t recommend things for changing some portions of the building or environment.
Although the overall layout looks fine, just those minor details could probably be altered a tad.


It’s decent but I wouldn’t call it “realistic”