Locate a group where it contain many types of avatar items (it can be on those you already are as a Member. For the bug report, I used Pax Clothing!);
After entering to the page, go to Store section;
Select the option “See All”.
Expected Behavior
I expected that I would be able to all of the creations made by the following group such as the clothes, UGC accessories etc.
Actual Behavior
Once going to the Store > See All, it directs me to the Avatar Shop, yet it does not show me any of the clothes because it has sent me to the general page.
Issue Area: Mobile Issue Type: Display Impact: Critical Frequency: Constantly Date First Experienced: 2022-10-30 00:22:30 (UTC-3) Date Last Experienced: 2023-01-08 00:10:45 (UTC-3)