Roblox (& Studio) both have immense Lagspikes upon entering an experience

Since the latest update, I’ve been dealing with an issue on both Studio and the Player to get into experiences. Upon load, games take roughly 3-5 minutes to load on my end, sometimes it even returns the “Not Responding” error for a short amount of time. The Roblox Player itself works fine, all the menu’s, the catalog, the discover page, etc. work, it only gets to the loading issue upon joining an experience. Also, if loading takes longer than 5 minutes, my graphic settings have been proven to be reset. I tried numerous of generic solutions such as:

  • Reinstalling
  • Removing the Local AppData Roblox (& Studio) folders
  • Updating Drivers

This issue is also on Studio and happens when trying to load a place (can be any, templates included). It also happens when trying to Playtest an experience.

Raw Video for Roblox Player demonstration below (Note, RIVALS is not an example, this issue happens with all experiences for me right now):

^ I’ve added the relevant log file to the above example on my private message

A private message is associated with this bug report



I’ve been trying various of troubleshooting without success such as:

  • Manually deleting registry keys
  • Using Wise Uninstaller to delete everything Roblox related when uninstalling
  • Using a new Windows Profile

When play-testing in studio, a multitude of issues come up, maybe that’s a lead to something:

Unfortunately, this issue still persists across both the player and studio. I’d love a resolution as soon as possible as this conflicts with work to do.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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I myself am having a similar problem, mainly with studio. Large games I worked on daily constantly crash while loading in after the new studio ui update, during the testing of the update I had to constantly restart my studio/computer until the old loading screen appeared so that I could actually get work done.