Roblox Studio Camera Pan Speed Extremely Slow

Hi, I have a Issue with the Roblox Studio Camera Pan Speed being extremely slow. I have tried changing it in the studio settings but that didnt help at all. I havent used Studio in a while so I dont know what could have caused that problem.

If anyone knows more about this problem, please help me.


They recently added a camera-speed modifier which involves something like Shift + Mouse scroll, but Iā€™m not 100% sure.
Open View Selector:

And hover your mouse beneath it:
You can change this value by click & drag.
You can turn off the keybind somewhere in Camera settings I think.


That doesnt really help me. When I move my camera around with my mouse, my mouse seems to jiggle around and the camera moves really slow. Its not something about how fast the camera moves in the 3d world.


Can you provide a video?
Have you tried resetting Studio settings or restarting Studio or your computer?


After reinstalling and restarting my computer it fixed itself, thank you for your time tho.


Okay I found out what the real problem was. If you have fps unlocker this problem will occur since for some reason, Roblox Studio changes your pan speed to the amound of FPS you have.

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