Could I Please have Help With My Issue? 20 Days Later?

Essentially. With what I have done so far, Utilizing Material Manager and Toolbox both causes studio to what it seems cap at 30fps. This isn’t lag. This is studio capping it’s own frames as it wont push past 30 and stays stable at 30 and casually goes to 29 for a second and then back to 30. If I were to close these docks then it goes back to 60. Seems like both docks enabled one at a time degrades the CAP by 10 FPS then at 3 docks, it caps at 24 fps.

Any reason why this is and how to manage it? I have done research and I have done all the steps provided and my PC isn’t the cause since studio seems to be capping it’s own frames at this point. I know a frame cap from lag and this ain’t it chief.

Only docks open being Properties and Explorer - 40 FPS
Material Manager and prior - 30 fps
Material gen and prior - 24 fps

All pluggins have been the same for years as they are all I use and are updated, drivers and windows up to date, before you point fingers at hardware, it’s more than enough for the average dev being an I9, 3080 FTW 3 and 32 GB of ram. Task manager only has 22% ram utilization, CPU at around 40% - 20%, studio installed on C drive being the M.2, Gsync set to full screen as always, Nvidia FPS cap at 120 (Doesnt matter with roblox), no recording software open, only open is Precision X1, Chrome with 2 tabs, Spotify, Discord and file explorer, world is standard baseplate or the first blank one with fancy lighting.

So in case you would have pointed fingers at any of those, I have answered them for you already.

No, No changes were made the last time I utilized Studio was about 4 months ago when it ran perfectly fine.

Nvidia drivers are 552.22 Studio Drivers

In case you think I am being snark or sarcastic, I am not, I am narrowing down the items that I dont have to check since it’s the trend of same questions amongst other threads so that way they aren’t asked to save time for both sides.

This is only a issue with studio as far as I can see as every other game runs smoothly, blender runs fine, UE5 runs fine.

This is seeming more and more like a frame cap thing for window docking within studio. When when undocked, the FPS cap stays the same. If it was a lag/rendering issue, the FPS would be inconsistent which it is not. They are stable at the FPS as stated prior with the different views enabled.

Opening Terrain generator knocks down the FPS to 20 decreasing by 4.

Would be wonderful to get a resolution for this. Thanks in advance.

Take it I won’t find any answers here then

4 days later now, still nothing. One day I guess.

Someeewheeeereeee… over the rainnboooooow. I’ll get some kind of heeeeelp.

Or an attempt. Either that or it’s gonna get locked which I can feel is bound to happen. :upside_down_face:

15 days later. So no help at all? Nobody? I thought the forums were supposed to be the place to get help on studio…?

One day there will be an answer to this.

This should be a bug report, instead of being in game design support.

Would be nice if I had access to it too.

I already tried to post in that area but I had no ability to ofc at the time and neither do I now. I had no where to post but here.

The likelihood of an engineer stumbling across this thread and helping you is incredibly low, you should DM @Bug-Support.
Additionally, try sending a request to this group through this post: