Roblox Studio causes internet to slow down almost to a halt

So, what’s happening is twice today while working in studio my internet had slow down almost to halt, but no completely, it would just load sites, discord, and other internet related things at a very slow pace, around 3000ms on discord calls.

The first time I was on Studio working on a game and I was flipping through items in the toolbox when it happened, I waited around 20 mins expecting the internet to come back up but never happened until I closed studio and in a a matter of seconds the internet started running again, and I thought it was a coincidence.

The second time, I was on Studio on the same game (same place) and was flipping through the items in the toolbox (placing them in, and using control-z to put them back in), the internet slowed down exactly the same way, 3000 ms on discord, yadayada, and I waited another 15 mins or so until I closed Studio because what if, and again the internet came back at full speed in seconds.

Has anyone else experience this or just me?

Also the reason this isn’t placed in Studio Bugs is because I wasn’t able to post there.