Roblox Studio Crash - Unexpected error

Since sep/04/2020, I don’t know why, sometimes when I try to play my project inside Studio, I get this error:

Roblox Crash
An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. We’re sorry!

I sent the logs via DM:


The problem continues to occur, Studio crashes several times a day. Even upgrading to the new version 447.
More than a week has passed with this problem.
I have now sent a new log and dump files via DM:


The number of crashes has become unsustainable, impossible to work with Studio.
In order not to give up on Roblox and my project completely, I adopted a radical solution: I created a Windows 10 virtual machine inside my VMware Workstation, and there I only installed Roblox and related tools.
I have been working in this environment for 2 days without crashes.
This shows that something on my official Windows 10 is interfering with Studio.
However, you can’t blame my Windows 10, because of the hundreds of programs I have on it, and Studio is the only one that crashes.
I ask for a greater commitment from the developers of Roblox Studio to try to identify this problem.


Hey Rogerio,
Sorry for the delayed response time. Our team is actively looking into the issue. If you could also confirm for us that this issue persists with no third party plugins that would help us narrow down the search. This can be done on startup via File->Advanced->Manage PLugins, disabling all active plugins, restarting studio, and then opening up places.


Ok. I just got the new 448 version update of Studio now and let’s see if this could solve the problem by itself.
I’ll keep you informed.
Thank you.

After some days with no crashes, I think version 448 solved the problem.

I’m having the same exact problem, how did you update to a newer version?

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The update is automatic. I suggest you a complete and clean uninstall and reinstall. If the problem persists, you can open a new studio bug ticket, sending your files via DM to Roblox, as described in the forum instructions.


I have same exact problem, how did you got 448 version and who did you know what version you are?

As I said, the updates are automatic and we can’t avoid it. You can see the current version in menu File → About.

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I received the same error. Maybe because there is a while loop that is making Roblox crash?

sometimes when I try to play my project inside Studio, I get this error:

@rogeriodec_games Did you mean specifically that your game was only crashing when you hit Play to test your game in Studio? Or did it crash as soon as you started editing your places? I’m experiencing the latter pretty frequently, but sometimes it loads regardless (of course, with no plugins, and on a fresh install of Roblox). Was this reminiscent of what you were experiencing back then?

As described, when I tried to play, randomly; and the error stopped with newer Studio versions.
But the Roblox team never admits these bugs and never tells you when they were fixed.


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