Happening to me as well, although it happens sometimes on empty baseplates and usually stops after 1 or 2 crashes.
I recommend adding the crash log in the post.
At first i thought it was one of my script causing exhaustion of the VM causing my studio to crash, but then i opened a scriptless empty baseplate and it happened, so yeah i confirm this is a bug of roblox.
It just tells you to get the log file (snipped below).
For OP or someone else experiencing this, not much to do here without a reliable way to diagnose the issue (a log) or a minimal repro case we can use on our end. Given that the original report is on baseplate, we can’t reproduce it. If there’s another way, we’ll try. Otherwise w/o much more information I’ll close this out until someone responds with a way to reproduce it.
On PC, press the WINDOWS KEY and R at the same time. A box called Run will appear. Copy and paste or type in the following without quotes:
For Win32: “%localappdata%\Roblox\logs”
For UWP: “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\ROBLOXCorporation.ROBLOX_55nm5eh3cm0pr\LocalState\logs”
Navigate to Macintosh HD > Users > [your user profile] > Library > Logs > Roblox
This might be unrelated but, My studio always crashes whenever I play-test then go on Current: Server and it just results in it completely freezing; you experiencing the same thing?