Roblox studio crash when playtesting

it wont hapen to a spesefix game even an emty not saved baseplate will kick studio when playtest

i have enough gb 32 free i first thougt it was the storage but after i cleared it up to 32 it still hapens

ram 3,69gb aviable

beta features

all expect for:

  • lua type solver
  • new camera thingy
  • editable mesh
    -auto avater setup
    this are not enabled


file is just baseplate the minium to couce the crash

  1. open a baseplate
  2. click playtest
  3. studio kick

Expected behavior

i expect to hapen that i can playtest without studio to kick

A private message with logs is associated with this bug report


Happening to me as well, although it happens sometimes on empty baseplates and usually stops after 1 or 2 crashes.
I recommend adding the crash log in the post.

This happens to me too, I playtest on studio for a few seconds, and the window completely breaks

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At first i thought it was one of my script causing exhaustion of the VM causing my studio to crash, but then i opened a scriptless empty baseplate and it happened, so yeah i confirm this is a bug of roblox.

Hi, can you please DM a log after reproducing this on your end?

  1. This issue has began to occur to me very frequently rn - in 5 minutes I crashed 3 times in 4 playtests.

Idk what I should say but this info page is sanctioned for me (I live in Crimea)

It just tells you to get the log file (snipped below).

For OP or someone else experiencing this, not much to do here without a reliable way to diagnose the issue (a log) or a minimal repro case we can use on our end. Given that the original report is on baseplate, we can’t reproduce it. If there’s another way, we’ll try. Otherwise w/o much more information I’ll close this out until someone responds with a way to reproduce it.


On PC, press the WINDOWS KEY and R at the same time. A box called Run will appear. Copy and paste or type in the following without quotes:

  • For Win32: “%localappdata%\Roblox\logs”
  • For UWP: “%LOCALAPPDATA%\Packages\ROBLOXCorporation.ROBLOX_55nm5eh3cm0pr\LocalState\logs”


Navigate to Macintosh HD > Users > [your user profile] > Library > Logs > Roblox

This’s 3 crash logs (as I assume) from that time.
0.651.0.6510833_20241118T103920Z_Studio_054BF_last.log (118.4 KB)
0.651.0.6510833_20241118T104358Z_Studio_700B6_last.log (437.8 KB)
0.651.0.6510833_20241118T104240Z_Studio_C2EF4_last.log (249.0 KB)

I sensed a log in the private massage since it contains your file location and IP I tried to remove that info btw

Unfortunately it didn’t have all the information I need - specifically the Machine GUID. Can you send the whole log via DM?

This might be unrelated but, My studio always crashes whenever I play-test then go on Current: Server and it just results in it completely freezing; you experiencing the same thing?

I don’t have the file anymore but what is the machine guid

Its in the log. Just need an unedited version of the log.

Closing this out, please reopen with necessary info if this is still occuring.