i wanted to check out the Next-Gen UI beta feature but when i restarted studio it crashed immediately on launch.
now every time i launch studio it crashes. i cant get to the beta features to disable it because it keeps crashing. is there any other way that i can disable it?
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Try restarting your PC, When I first enabled the setting my studio kept on crashing. I restarted my computer and launched Roblox Studio and it didn’t crash.
i forgot to specify in the post but i did restart my computer and it still crashed
i also reinstalled studio twice but the problem still persists
Reset your settings or reinstall Roblox studio if that fails Aswell you might have to
Remove your Next-Gen UI from the beta settings try being quickly as possible.
i uninstalled both roblox studio and the roblox client and when i reinstalled studio it finally stopped crashing