Roblox studio crashing on Stopping the Solo test

This issue is quite simple but what happens is that after testing in solo play, and then closing it with the Next Gen studio preview option enabled causes Roblox studio to crash instantly.

  • System Info: Ram:
    Memory: 8GB
    CPU: AMD Ryzen 3 3250u with Radeon Graphics
    GPU: AMD Radeon™ Vega 3 Graphics

  • Beta Feature Enabled: All of them.

A private message is associated with this bug report

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi, can you please provide a log from the crash? (1.4 MB)

The problem has stopped after I disabled the next gen studio beta.

Thanks for that. When you reproduced this, it sounds like it was 100% of the time? Or only some of the time? Also, was this every time you started play solo, played for a while, and then stopped? Or was this doing something like starting play solo then immediately stopped? Trying to get a sense of the timing and frequency.

Actually, from the crash I’m seeing this was a known issue with the beta that has been fixed as of last week. Have you tried next gen studio recently?

Yup I have tried it again today and my studio didn’t crash.