Roblox Studio crashing when opening

Whenever I open anything related to roblox studio game files, it wont even load one cube, it just crashes. I can open the Roblox Studio app just fine, but when it comes to opening one a game, it crashes.

This happens every time I open an existing game file on my PC. Roblox just stops working and goes white.

I was working in a teamcreate when all of a sudden when I tried testing, everything froze and I had to X it out. It’s been about 30 minutes since that happened and I am afraid I lost some scripts.

My pc is pretty slow, so it MIGHT be that, but its probably not. I’ve used studio for about 3 years and I doubt its my PC.

I already tried uninstalling Roblox, and it hasn’t fixed it. I’m not sure how to fix it. Any thoughts?

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