Roblox Studio Developer Plugin - Free to use

Hey there! My name is Connor and I do Scripting, UI Designing & QA Testing on Roblox.

I have made a plugin for Roblox Studio that is free to use.

What does this plugin do?
This plugin can create a game asset in the click of a button! Script, LocalScript, ModuleScript, VehicleSeat, etc.

These are some photos of the Plugin.

Image 1/5

Image 2/5

Image 3/5

Image 4/5

Image 5/5

Where can I get the plugin?
Right Here

Plugin Information

Plugin Name: Roblox Studio Development Plugin
Creator: connor_monster123
Version: 1.0


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Small Update

  • Added Plugin Information Menu
  • Removed “Plugin Created By: connor_monster123” text on Main Page
Plugin Information

Plugin Name: Roblox Studio Development Plugin
Creator: connor_monster123
Version: 1.1

Cool and all but, tell me 1 reason as to why I should use this over the + button next to an Instance, which provides more liberty over which instance is to be created and where?

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I mean, I am still working on things, such as being able to add something and rename it at the same time, Instead of having to add it, right click, rename.

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