Roblox Studio does not update

In the screenshot below, I have the AppData > Local > Roblox > Versions folder open (while “updating” Roblox Studio). Roblox studio keeps saying it has an update, but whenever I update it, there’s no new folders created for the newest Studio update, so everytime it “updates”, it’s really not doing much. Whenever studio is reopened, it keeps prompting an Update.

Expected behavior

If Roblox Studio updates, there should be another file in AppData > Local > Roblox > Versions, so there’s an additional Roblox Studio folder with the newest version, this does not happen in this “update”.

A private message is associated with this bug report

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This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket to our internal database, and we’ll follow up when we have an update!

Thanks for the report!

Hi, what version number do you see in the “About Roblox Studio” box? Does it change after an update? You mentioned a fresh install, what version are you granted then?

Also, can you DM logs (both from installer/bootstrapper and studio?)

This has been an issue for years unfortunately, but the often used workaround is make sure studio is closed, then download the latest version from the website and run the setup that way to force it to update.

Also, I may have misunderstood - this isn’t a problem with the having the latest version, its that even after an update you still see “Update Available”. Which means that sometimes it does update, but other times when you click update it does nothing? Is that correct?

Also, if this account (IDMC48) isn’t the account being used, can you DM me the account name?

0.639.0.6390692, this was the same as before and after the update. The “Update Available” thing seems to have disappeared (even with studio running the same version as before).

When the “Update Available” still shows (as mentioned, doesn’t appear anymore), I’d click it and tell it to “Update Now”, and a new window appears saying “Installing Roblox Studio”, but nothing actually installs.

Interesting, you for sure are on the latest and greatest. For tomorrow’s weekly release, see if the behavior repeats. There’s a couple reasons that this could happen, but its hard to tell w/o a log. If it happens, please DM me logs and we can tell better exactly what’s going on.

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I have updated to the newest version and it did go through successfully.