ROBLOX Studio Error

As I just been promoted to a new member,I cannot yet post on the "Platform Feedback,so bare with me.Even tough it says I joined in January 2018 I am only beginning to use this forum for good,so I am learning how to use it

So this is the error I constantly get.I tried to look in other topics but they don’t have the same problem as me.Can someone help me get my place back?Thank you

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Use post approval and ask them to move this to bugs.


This is an error caused by place file corruption. It is trying to de-serialize the binary place file, but it is detecting something is wrong with the syntax. If you were able to open this place in the past, and you are 100% sure the file is the same, I would try re-installing.


Alright,I hope it works tomorrow.Thank you :slight_smile:

Hey,I tried it is not working.the same error popped up

If you have a way to restore the file to a previous version (such as a Windows backup), then that is most likely your only hope in recovering it.

Again, if you don’t have a backup, you can always try reinstalling Studio. It may not help though.

Roblox has a built in method of reverting to an old version of ur project.

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but i never published the game.