What is the issue? Studio failing to load every single instance no matter how long or how many times it is closed and re-opened. Also on close has to be ended by task manager otherwise will stay open for hours.
What solutions have you tried so far? Full studio reinstall, clear temp files, restart device etc.
I work with big maps in studio so I can easily understand it taking a while to load but by this I mean it is taking HOURS to load compared to where it used to load in a few minutes. This is on every single game by the way.
Also, on close it has to be end tasked by task manager otherwise it will also be stuck for hours. Longest it took to close manually just with the X was 3 hours.
I would heavily appreciate any help or any ideas that might fix this as I haven’t been able to do any development for the past week. Also just thinking now, there is a very high chance that this is related to the recent studio update as there were no loading issues before that however the close time was a thing before then too.