ROBLOX Studio - Freezing up / insane memory usage

No idea what’s going on but it seems related to this. Studio freezes up terribly after a while to the point where sometimes I can’t even close the window, most of the buttons in the toolbar stay stuck for no reason, I can’t select/drag parts or any model around.

Happens on fresh offline files. Online files aren’t much better, they’re terribly slow to open, like unordinary slow.

I recorded my screen shortly to demonstrate what’s happening:


I’m literally trying my absolute best to script along with my friend on a call and we’re literally having “Roblox Studio (Not Responding)” every single time we type a line quite fast - I honestly am quite annoyed but I guess it’s just what happens


Hi everyone,

Apologies for the issues in Studio. We’ve recently made some updates. Could you all restart Studio and see if things are better now? Please reply to me here if you’re still experiencing issues.


This is still happening to me. This issue needs to be looked at and addressed. It’s heavily impairing development and studio is practically unusable for more than a minute.
As a scripter, there’s no way at the moment to test literally any code I write even outside studio.
What is happening?

Side note:

@Tynezz just replied some minutes ago and it’s displaying 10 hours ago for me. If possible, this could be looked at too.


I can’t save or publish my game. I can’t upload images, meshes, or anything either. Roblox needs to fix everything, I can hardly edit a script without it freezing for a moment within the first 2 minutes.
I have done everything, even reset my modem and switch internet networks.


I haven’t personally encountered this issue, but someone I was just working with (@sevasok) was continuously freezing up and crashing when editing scripts, resetting their character, and stopping play sessions.


@fredrick254 @Lyyrezism @EncodedLua the timestamps appear off on your messages. To confirm, are you still experiencing issues after restarting Studio?

Feel free to PM me.


Happening to me too as of 2024

Exactly The same, Im trying to open a place to publish it and it freezes i can’t do anything roblox Please fix this issue

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