Roblox Studio Homepage Revamp

Ever since Roblox launched the new Roblox Studio logo, I was thinking about testing a new modernized flat UI for the studio, as the current design is starting to feel dated.

This is my first take at it, in light and dark theme, feedback and criticism are heavily appreciated!

Now that I think about it, the text might be a bit small…


I was thinking of maybe you could add popups at the cursor to show what each button is for. That way new people can like know what their doing


Good idea, I forgot this small detail!

It indeed looks good! Totally forget this. :slightly_smiling_face:

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These feel too thin and the place name’s text size is too small

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Hmm you are right, I will fix this asap.

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I personally don’t like it, feels like a mobile application with the buttons. I prefer more of something like Unreal Engine 4 homescreen.

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Unreal Engine 4’s homepage is stellar.

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