Roblox Studio immediately crashes on MacOS

Roblox Studio immediately crashes upon startup with an error stating “RobloxStudio quit unexpectedly”.

This bug still occurs when plugins are disabled.
This only happens for Roblox Studio, not the Roblox Player.

Simply open Roblox Studio on MacOS. The app immediately closes and an error should appear.

More information about this bug, like log files, are attached to this bug report’s private content.

A private message is associated with this bug report

I dont know if this will work for you, but it could be because of corrupted files
before doing this try reinstalling roblox studio though

Go to finder, Library/Roblox and open the latest folder(it’ll have some long name)
Then spot (GlobalSettings_13.xml) and (ClientSettings) and delete them, these files contain studio setting which could be malfunctioning
Restart Roblox studio
Let me know if it works

Doesn’t fix the issue unfortunately.

The same issue still occurs even when I remove the ClientSettings and GlobalSettings files.