Roblox Studio Imports Model With No Color


I’m having trouble importing a FBX model into Roblox Studio with its original materials. After importing it into Roblox Studio, all parts are a single gray color. I have read and tried all the possible solutions posted in the Roblox Forum but none of them worked. I have several models to import, so importing them and painting each mesh separately is not a solution for me.



Have you tried importing the texture separately and putting the id in the mesh properties?

I tried to use the OBJ format and tried to import the textures using the MTL file, but since the MTL file includes multiple textures, I couldn’t import it into Roblox Studio.

For your colours to show up in Roblox Studio, you have to use a UV texture.
Try using a UV texture and import it as a .fbx again, the system should automatically create a texture and apply it to your mesh.

Some videos that might be helpful for you!

Intro to Blender UV Mapping by Darrin Lile

How To Export Blender Meshes AND TEXTURES Into Roblox Studio by RadPugGuy


I’ve tried following these tutorials, but I can’t export textures as images from Blender, the option to do that is disabled

if your texture has stuff like normals maps etc, you’ll need to add a surface appearance to the meshpart and set up the textures manually.

So I have to export each material separately and import it into Roblox manually?

accidentally wrote my first response with my brain off

Most likely, yes. The only way to add textures that have things like normals maps are via SurfaceAppearances. SurfaceAppearances affect whatever MeshPart they’re inside of and thus, you can only have 1 texture per mesh part.
As such, you’ll need to export each part based on what material it is from Blender and then import it into Roblox.

As a tip, if you export from Blender using “Material Groups”, Roblox will split the file up and save location data, so you don’t need to fiddle with positioning.

You’ll also most likely need to export the textures separately. You can mass upload images via the Asset Manger.
Roblox MAY use the textures you need automatically if the textures are in the same folder as the OBJ file when you’re importing, but it doesn’t always and I’m not sure if it works with SurfaceAppearances.

Sadly, you may be out of luck. Manually importing a plethora of custom textures will probably take a pretty long time.

picture of surface appearance properties

picture of exporting with material groups