ROBLOX Studio is being Extremely Slow/Laggy on PC/Windows 10

I’m kinda stuck between a rock and a hard place on this one, if reinstalling doesn’t work, there is probably an internal software bug in your computer. Once you are able to identify the cause, it will be easier to fix the problem.

do you have g-sync enabled by any chance? it’s been known to cause performance issues in studio for whatever reason

Just uninstalled and reinstalled it, still having the issue.
BTW, the program you sent me kept failing to install.

Interesting, it worked for me… (It’s been a while since I’ve installed it though, something might have changed)

where would it be located under?

It should be under the NVIDIA Control Panel I think, it depends on the computer though I would assume.

Anyways, I have to get going. Hopefully I helped a bit. Good luck with the situation…

I appreciate it.

I unplugged the wires from my TV and older monitor, issue still remains. Would unplugging the wire from the PC vs. the device it connects to change anything?

Not seeing the option for G-Sync anything here.

Going to consider doing a factory reset of my PC. I did this for my Macbook a while ago when I had a similar issue and it fixed it.

This is probably going to be my last update post on this thread, hopefully.

Since posting this I had issues in the ROBLOX player where the lag was unbearable. Like my frame rate had to be like 5 FPS, lol. This was the last straw, so I did a soft reset of my PC (reset the system, deleted apps, but kept most of my files), and it fixed the issue, both in the player and studio.

Don’t know why this issue was local to ROBLOX, and I don’t know why factory resetting was the only solution. Hopefully, the issue won’t return and I won’t have to reset my PC again. Seems like it was a very similar issue experienced on my MacBook three years ago now, with an identical solution.