Roblox Studio is Falling Apart

  • Studio consistantly fails to load widgets which makes me re-open studio, or asks me to reset them because they failed to load.
  • I cannot playtest a game twice without restarting studio.
  • Those two issues alone count as “falling apart”
  • Has anyone found a solution to either of them?

Not yet, but I can say I’m having the same issue.

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The two bugs combined are so critical to workflow & essential that they work that it might as well be called falling apart tbh.

Agreed. Hinders game development being able to go smoothly.

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And it hasnt worked for like a month now, the only thing new is that now play testing doesnt work :skull:


I feel ya, hopefully they fix it soon.

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Ah I may have found a cure. I deleted it (including from the basket), redownloaded it, and it seems to be working.

Well sh** if you say so, I’m currently on my 5th attempt of launching studio after a playtest anyways so its probably a better use of my time.

Let me know if it works, hoping it does.

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Ayee, thanks, ridiculous that this is just part of the workflow now :skull:

Lol, so I assume it worked then?

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