Roblox Studio issues and feature requests

I caught this after importing FBX files through the Asset Manager. Like the video shows, Studio automatically selects the imported meshes, but once grouped, it flings itself back up in order with the other models without bringing me with it. I have to unselect, then reselect my model to find it in the workspace, which can be really inconvenient.

I think this is the case for grouping stuff on studio in general, it can be selected, but does not automatically go to the new model in the workspace; which seems like a bug… but I’m not entirely sure after writing this post.

If it’s not a bug, it’d be nice to have an quality of life mini update where studio automatically jumps to the new model created in the Explorer tab.


I found another problem with the grouping on Studio recently, so I suppose this thread should just be converted to a grouping issue thread.

Each grouped item numbers itself based on numbers per groups of 10-- so 1, 10 - 19, 2, 20- 29, 3, 30-39 etc.
Grouping issues

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I feel like this may be more of a feature request, right?

I don’t have any solutions for you right now, but best of luck to you on solving this minor inconvenience.

Hello again!

I have found another inconvenience,

The Lock Tool on studio highlights objects and lets you unlock them after clicking it, while this part is fine, the selection highlight stays until you try switching to another feature like selection, move, resize, etc. and leaves a the selection in place.

The only solution I’ve found is to restart studio so the highlight goes away, but this process of unlocking something, then restarting studio is very time consuming for obvious reasons.


Not sure if this is just an issue for me or my computer or just studio flat out.

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Alphabetical order in sort, so: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789

So “A”, “1”, “10”, “2” in that order. It’d be nice if RStudio could detect if it’s all numbers & do numeric sort, I guess.

The issue of the highlight staying when switching from lock tool to other tools should be fixed. Let us know if this continues.

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